모든 기사    속보

[속보] 해든초등학교, 운동장에서 백제 유물 나와..

[속보] 해든초등학교, 운동장에서 백제 유물 나와..

본문 내용이 없는 속보 기사입니다

입력 : 2022-04-10 (20:13:45) | 수정 : 2024-04-30 (16:36:08)

주소 : https://news-korea.kr/542338 기사 공유

[Breaking news] Haden Elementary School, Baekje relics came out of the playground. [More News]


[速报] 海登小学,操场上出现百济遗物...

В начальной школе Хэдден, на стадионе появляются реликвии Пэкче.

이 낚시 기사를 쓴 친구가 남긴 메시지

「가짜 뉴스였어요」

친구에게 마음을 담아 댓글을 남겨보세요

0개의 댓글이 있습니다

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미르 게이 사실....
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오늘12시에 ㅇㅇ강도 사형
강원도 원주 문막 확진......문막고등학교 확진자 1명발생
Mohamed Salah Close to Chelsea Transfer
신하은 만우절 지났는데 만우절 장난 • •
셀트리온 이번 kt수신망 복구에 기여..
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어떤사람이 똥을 먹어,,,,
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충남 A 자사고 학생 코로나로 사망
가은맘 해피 아님 충격!!!
올해 세계통합 뮤직어워드 시상식 전 6월 2일 부터 2주간 팬싸인회 개최 찰리푸스, 방탄소년단, 두아리파, 빌리 아일리쉬, 마돈나 등 해외 유명 가수 포함 (고려대, 중앙대, 부산대, 홍익대, 전남대, 순천대, 순천제일대 7곳 학교에서 예정)
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서울지하철 2호선 상봉지선 개통
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쿠키런:킹덤 서버 종료일 발표 충격!
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밀가루 민초당 대표 "김어준 실력에 비해 말이 너무 많아" SNS 공개 저격

[Breaking news] Mir gay...
[Breaking News] Mao Ishikawa's Seoul date with famous Korean actor Kim Dong-hwi
[Breaking news] Today at 12 o'clock, robber's death penalty.
[Breaking News] Cultural gift certificates.
[NEWS] Mohamed Salah Close to Chelsea Transfer
[Exclusive] Shin Ha-eun's April Fool's Day is over, and April Fool's Day joke is over.
[Breaking news] Celltrion contributed to recovering KT's reception network.
[Comprehensive] Zero Base One X New Jin's Music Bank's surprise collaboration stage in the first half of the year
Two middle school students who committed arson because they didn't want to exercise at school became the talk of the town.
[Breaking News] [Official] Lee Seung-woo joins Kitch sc in the Hong Kong Premier League.
[Breaking news] Front-to-back school postponement for two weeks... Corona uptrend won't fold.
[Breaking news] Controversy over Chungyul's birthday celebration
Student of A private high school in Chungcheongnam-do died of coronavirus
[All together] Gaeun mom, happy or shocking!
[Comprehensive] This year's global integrated music awards ceremony will be held for two weeks from June 2nd, including famous overseas singers such as Charlie Puth, BTS, Dua Lipa, Billy Eilish, and Madonna (to be held at seven schools: Korea University, Chung-Ang University, Busan University, Hongik University, Chonnam National University, Suncheon University, and Suncheon Jeil University)
[Exclusive] Ms. Lim, a 30-year-old woman living in Mokpo, caught an unfair deal at a kindergarten!
[Exclusive] Seoul Subway Line 2 Reunion Line Opens
[Breaking news] It turns out that Nam Gyeon-woo is a fool, a fool, and a prince.자He says he's a fool!"
Taebo Cho Hye-ryeon's death
[Breaking news] COVID-19 is over and you can take off your mask?
[Breaking news] Russia, Ukraine, War Declaration.
A mass death of students at Woosong High School in Jayang-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon.
[Breaking news] Bento doesn't renew his contractDunny, you suddenly changed your mind and became a topic of conversation
[Breaking News] Youtuber Gamst's latest death sentence to Gamst fans
[Breaking news] Cookie Run: The announcement of the end date of the Kingdom server is shocking!
[Self-confident] I broke a rod on a gyrod swing and I'm glad there's no casualties.
[Breaking News] President Moon's report on illegal investment and illegal financial activities is appropriate.
The leader of the Flour Mint chocolate party, "You talk too much compared to Kim Eo-jun's skills" publicly sniper the social media.

[速報] ミルゲイは実は…
[速報] 文化商品券
[ NEWS ] Mohamed Salah Close to Chelsea Transfer
[総合]ゼロベースワンXニュージンスミュージックバンク 上半期びっくりコラボステージ予告
[単独] ある人がうんちをするんだよ。
[速報] 学校で運動したくなくて放火をした 中学生2人が大きな話題になる…
[速報] 全面登校、2週間延期… ●コロナは上昇傾向が止まらない
[総合] 今年の世界統合ミュージックアワード授賞式前の6月2日から2週間、ファンサイン会開催チャーリー·プース、BTS、ドゥアリパ、ビリー·アイリッシュ、マドンナなど海外有名歌手を含む(高麗大、中央大、釜山大、弘益大、全南大、順天大、順天第一大学の7校で予定)
[速報] コロナ終息してマスク脱げる?
[速報] 大田東区紫陽洞ウソン高校の生徒集団死亡事件発生…
[速報] ベントゥ、再契約なし。ドニー···急に気が変わって話題
【速報】最近YouTuber Gustの死刑判定 Gustのファンに訴えよう
[単独] ジャイロードスイングに乗って 棒が折れて墜落したことは幸い