모든 기사    속보

[속보] 2025년까지 교육직 70% 감소시키겠다... "저출산 문제 때문에 어쩔 수 없다"

[속보] 2025년까지 교육직 70% 감소시키겠다... "저출산 문제 때문에 어쩔 수 없다"

본문 내용이 없는 속보 기사입니다

입력 : 2021-04-01 (16:12:39) | 수정 : 2024-04-28 (04:51:17)

주소 : https://me2.do/xswZlxXm 기사 공유

[Breaking news] By 2025, we will reduce the number of teaching positions by 70%. £I can't help it because of the low birth rate problem." [More News]

【速報】2025年までに教育職を70%減少させる… 「少子化問題のため仕方がない。"

[速报] 到2025年为止,将减少70%的教育职... "因为低生育率问题,没办法。"

[3] К 2025 году мы снизим занятость на 70%... "Вы ничего не можете сделать из-за проблем с родами."

이 낚시 기사를 쓴 친구가 남긴 메시지

「이걸 속네 ㅋㅋㄹㅃㅃ」

친구에게 마음을 담아 댓글을 남겨보세요

1개의 댓글이 있습니다
[1번] 십🐦🐇야 04월 01일 (16:22)

Breaking News Korea - archives

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[Exclusive] Yeonho is not funny. Controversy!?!?!
[Breaking News] Cha Seung-won likes to wear a girls' uniform, tie her hands, strangle her...
[Breaking news] Annecy is so pretty...Found dead in Mr. Roh's mansion...
[Breaking news] Yongin Mayor dies..an emergency arrest of a suspect
[Breaking News] Mr. 모모, why did you lose your words?
Cats rule the earth.
[Breaking news] People are disappearing.
[Self-confident] I broke a rod on a gyrod swing and I'm glad there's no casualties.
[Breaking news] I was shocked by Wang Hee-won's death.
[Breaking news] A teenage student in Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, stabbed... Five dead, six wounded.
[NEWS] JEONG YUN WOO eats all the strawberries.
[Exclusive] Shin Min-jae (LG) grows 20cm due to sudden growth pain
[Breaking news] Jung Yoo Seok was tricked!
[Breaking news] TWICE NAYEON and EXO KAI are here as dream lovers!"
[Breaking news] Today at 6pm, Mt. Baekdu eruption...North Korea Declares National Emergency
[All together] I'll stop here today
[Breaking news] Ji Yejun, the youngest, passed the test
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[Breaking News] A, a student at Samcheonpo High School, was found dead...
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[Breaking News] US supports "F-22" to Bokhan...
[Breaking news] Kim Min-ah, she will come to Chuncheon on the 13th.
[Exclusive] Incheon office worker Lee Taekyung! I want to have a child before marriageSay it online!
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[Only] Exclusive appearance of acne monster in a citizen park in Seoul... (Discussion)
[Exclusive] Before Ma Dong-seok's wedding, he ended up with his lover, Ye Jung-hwa...
[Only] NCT JUNGWOO opens the door for the first time among idol same- The opponent is nct mark••

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